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Objectives Of Information And Communication Technology

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Emerging communication technologies are not only changing how small groups in an organization interact, but are also speeding up amongst these small groups in an organization. Technologies like internet are easy to deploy and they cost less yet they speed up communication with in an organization.Organizations rely on among employees at all levels to decide on and implement their goals. For example, Managers make decisions by collecting facts and analyzing them, often with help of other low level employees. That means implementing these decisions requires communication between the manager and other employees. With the help of communication technology, the exchange and flow of this information is made simple by use of (OLAP) Online Analytical Process read more below on OLAPIt is very important for an organization to foster effective communication and speed up the productivity of an organization. This does not matter if the organization is small or big.

For an organization to succeed in this age of information technology, it must equip and train its employees on how to use various tools. These tools can include things like video conferencing; Bluetooth enabled printers, remote databases, computers, Apps, just to mention but a few. Below I have listed uses of communication technology for organizational communication.(1) Online Transaction Processing (OLTP): – Quick information processes with in the organization.


Organizations have a variety of formal and informal objectives to accomplish. Using Online transaction processing (OLTP) involves gathering input information, processing that information, and updating existing information to reflect the gathered and processed information.

In most organizations they use ‘ ’Database technology’’ to manage this process. Databases that support OLTP are most often referred to as operational databases.(2) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): – Quick decision making. In an effort to achieve organizational goals, decisions should be made faster.

The process of making a decision involves collecting facts and evaluating alternatives. This involves reading, asking questions, talking things over with others in the organization.

To speed up this process, communication technology has to be used. The use of online analytical processing (OLAP) will help in the manipulation of information to support decision making.

OLAP is essentially an IT-based extension of creating information through analytical processing. OLAP can range from performing simple queries on a database to determine which customers have overdue accounts to employing sophisticated artificial intelligence tools like neural networks and genetic algorithms to solve a complex problem or take advantage of an opportunity.(3) Decentralized Computing: This is an environment in which an organization splits computing power and locate it in functional business areas as well as on desktops of knowledge workers. This means employees in an organization will access shared information through decentralized computing.

This process of communication with in an organization is less expensive and more effective because all computers will be accessing a centralized database to get all the information. For some organizations they set up websites through which workers can login and access essential data and communicate with other employees with in the same online platform(4) Instant Messaging: Instant messaging services deliver messages faster than email.

A manager can easily assign work to employees through text messaging. The same does for employees with in an organization, they can ask a question from their superiors via text messaging and they will get replies on the instant.

Today this has been simplified, big services like ”” and other text messaging Apps have played this role, all you have to do is to download and install the app on your mobile phone, then your other parties will have to do the same so that you text each other while in the organization and off site. This text messaging communication technology simplifies exchange of ideas and helps in speeding up decision making.5.

Email: This is the most used means of communication across the globe by all organizations. Their so many communication technologies which have tried to replace electronic mail, but none of them have succeeded. It is very essential for both big and small business to have an email address.

For some companies they use customized email address, these are company emails hosted under a companies domain, for example ‘ ’’’. Both managers and employees can use electronic mail to share files and messages with in the organization.

Information and communications technology ( ICT) is an extensional term for (IT) that stresses the role of and the integration of ( lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary, storage, and audiovisual systems, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.The term ICT is also used to refer to the of audiovisual and with through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives (huge cost savings due to the elimination of the telephone network) to merge the telephone network with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution, and management. Fallout 4 crash fix pc.

ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication device, encompassing radio, television, cell phones, computer and network hardware, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and appliance with them such as video conferencing and distance learning.ICT is a broad subject and the concepts are evolving. It covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit, or receive information electronically in a digital form (e.g., personal computers, digital television, email, or robots). For clarity, Zuppo provided an ICT hierarchy where all levels of the hierarchy 'contain some degree of commonality in that they are related to technologies that facilitate the transfer of information and various types of electronically mediated communications'. Theoretical differences between interpersonal-communication technologies and mass-communication technologies have been identified by the philosopher Piyush Mathur. Is one of many models for describing and managing competencies for ICT professionals for the 21st century. Contents.Etymology The phrase 'information and communication technologies' has been used by academic researchers since the 1980s.

The abbreviation 'ICT' became popular after it was used in a report to the UK government by in 1997, and then in the revised for England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2000. However, in 2012, the recommended that the use of the term 'ICT' should be discontinued in British schools 'as it has attracted too many negative connotations'. From 2014 the National Curriculum has used the word, which reflects the addition of into the curriculum.Variations of the phrase have spread worldwide. The United Nations has created a ' and an internal 'Office of Information and Communications Technology'.

Monetization The money spent on IT worldwide has been estimated as US$3.8 trillion in 2017 and has been growing at less than 5% per year since 2009. The estimate 2018 growth of the entire ICT in is 5%. The biggest growth of 16% is expected in the area of new technologies (, /, and ).The 2014 IT budget of US federal government was nearly $82 billion.


IT costs, as a percentage of corporate revenue, have grown 50% since 2002, putting a strain on IT budgets. ICT Development Index The ranks and compares the level of ICT use and access across the various countries around the world. In 2014 ITU (International Telecommunications Union) released the latest rankings of the IDI, with Denmark attaining the top spot, followed by South Korea. The top 30 countries in the rankings include most high-income countries where quality of life is higher than average, which includes countries from Europe and other regions such as 'Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Japan, Macao (China), New Zealand, Singapore and the United States; almost all countries surveyed improved their IDI ranking this year.' The WSIS process and ICT development goals On 21 December 2001, the approved Resolution 56/183, endorsing the holding of the (WSIS) to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing today's information society.

According to this resolution, the General Assembly related the Summit to the 's goal of implementing ICT to achieve. It also emphasized a multi-stakeholder approach to achieve these goals, using all stakeholders including civil society and the private sector, in addition to governments.To help anchor and expand ICT to every habitable part of the world, '2015 is the deadline for achievements of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which global leaders agreed upon in the year 2000.' In education. Today's society shows the ever-growing computer-centric lifestyle, which includes the rapid influx of computers in the modern classroom.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation , a division of the United Nations, has made integrating ICT into education part of its efforts to ensure equity and access to education. The following, taken directly from a UNESCO publication on educational ICT, explains the organization's position on the initiative.Information and Communication Technology can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, teachers' professional development and more efficient education management, governance and administration.

Takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT in education. Access, inclusion and quality are among the main challenges they can address. The Organization's Intersectral Platform for ICT in education focuses on these issues through the joint work of three of its sectors: Communication & Information, Education and Science.Despite the power of computers to enhance and reform teaching and learning practices, improper implementation is a widespread issue beyond the reach of increased funding and technological advances with little evidence that teachers and tutors are properly integrating ICT into everyday learning. Intrinsic barriers such as a belief in more traditional teaching practices and individual attitudes towards computers in education as well as the teachers own comfort with computers and their ability to use them all as result in varying effectiveness in the integration of ICT in the classroom.There is some evidence that, to be effective in education, ICT must be fully integrated into the. Specifically, when teaching literacy and math, using ICT in combination with Writing to Learn produces better results than traditional methods alone or ICT alone. Developing countries Africa. Representatives meet for a policy forum on M-Learning at UNESCO's Mobile Learning Week in March 2017ICT has been employed as an educational enhancement in since the 1960s.

Beginning with television and radio, it extended the reach of education from the classroom to the living room, and to geographical areas that had been beyond the reach of the traditional classroom. As technology evolved and became more widely used, efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa were also expanded. In the 1990s a massive effort to push computer hardware and software into schools was undertaken, with the goal of familiarizing both students and teachers with computers in the classroom. Since then, multiple projects have endeavored to continue the expansion of ICT's reach in the region, including the (OLPC) project, which by 2015 had distributed over 2.4 million laptops to nearly 2 million students and teachers.The inclusion of ICT in the classroom, often referred to as, has expanded the reach of educators and improved their ability to track student progress in Sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, the mobile phone has been most important in this effort. Mobile phone use is widespread, and mobile networks cover a wider area than internet networks in the region.

The devices are familiar to student, teacher, and parent, and allow increased communication and access to educational materials. In addition to benefits for students, M-learning also offers the opportunity for better teacher training, which lends to a more consistent curriculum across the educational service area. In 2011, UNESCO started a yearly symposium called Mobile Learning Week with the purpose of gathering stakeholders to discuss the M-learning initiative.Implementation is not without its challenges. While mobile phone and internet use are increasing much more rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa than in other developing countries, the progress is still slow compared to the rest of the developed world, with smartphone penetration only expected to reach 20% by 2017. Additionally, there are gender, social, and geo-political barriers to educational access, and the severity of these barriers vary greatly by country.

Objectives Of Information And Communication Technology

Overall, 29.6 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa were not in school in the year 2012, owing not just to the geographical divide, but also to political instability, the importance of social origins, social structure, and gender inequality. Once in school, students also face barriers to quality education, such as teacher competency, training and preparedness, access to educational materials, and lack of information management. Today In modern society ICT is ever-present, with over three billion people having access to the Internet. With approximately 8 out of 10 Internet users owning a smartphone, information and data are increasing by leaps and bounds. This rapid growth, especially in developing countries, has led ICT to become a keystone of everyday life, in which life without some facet of technology renders most of clerical, work and routine tasks dysfunctional.

The most recent authoritative data, released in 2014, shows 'that Internet use continues to grow steadily, at 6.6% globally in 2014 (3.3% in developed countries, 8.7% in the developing world); the number of Internet users in developing countries has doubled in five years (2009-2014), with two thirds of all people online now living in the developing world.' However, hurdles are still large. 'Of the 4.3 billion people not yet using the Internet, 90% live in developing countries. In the world's 42 Least Connected Countries (LCCs), which are home to 2.5 billion people, access to ICTs remains largely out of reach, particularly for these countries' large rural populations.'

ICT has yet to penetrate the remote areas of some countries, with many developing countries dearth of any type of Internet. This also includes the availability of telephone lines, particularly the availability of cellular coverage, and other forms of electronic transmission of data. The latest 'Measuring the Information Society Report' cautiously stated that the increase in the aforementioned cellular data coverage is ostensible, as 'many users have multiple subscriptions, with global growth figures sometimes translating into little real improvement in the level of connectivity of those at the very bottom of the pyramid; an estimated 450 million people worldwide live in places which are still out of reach of mobile cellular service.' Favorably, the gap between the access to the Internet and mobile coverage has decreased substantially in the last fifteen years, in which '2015 was the deadline for achievements of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which global leaders agreed upon in the year 2000, and the new data show ICT progress and highlight remaining gaps.' ICT continues to take on new form, with nanotechnology set to usher in a new wave of ICT electronics and gadgets.

Objectives Of Information And Communication Technology Pdf

ICT newest editions into the modern electronic world include smart watches, such as the, smart wristbands such as the, and smart TVs such as. With desktops soon becoming part of a bygone era, and laptops becoming the preferred method of computing, ICT continues to insinuate and alter itself in the ever-changing globe.Information communication technologies play a role in facilitating in today. The internet according to Bruce Bimber is 'accelerating the process of issue group formation and action' and coined the term to explain this new phenomena.

ICTs are tools for 'enabling social movement leaders and empowering dictators' in effect promoting societal change. ICTs can be used to garner support for a cause due to the internet allowing for political discourse and direct interventions with state policy as well as change the way complaints from the populace are handled by governments. Furthermore, ICTs in a household are associated with women rejecting justifications for intimate partner violence. According to a study published in 2017, this is likely because “access to ICTs exposes women to different ways of life and different notions about women’s role in society and the household, especially in culturally conservative regions where traditional gender expectations contrast observed alternatives.'

See also.