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Newest Sims 3 Expansion

Newest Sims 3 Expansion Average ratng: 7,1/10 1164 reviews

About This GameThe Sims 3 is the third major title in the life simulation video game developed by The Sims Studio (Maxis) and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the best-selling computer game, The Sims 2. It was first released on June 2, 2009 simultaneously for OS X and Microsoft Windows – both versions on the same disc. The Sims 3 was released to game consoles and smartphones on October 26, 2010, for PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, Android, iOS, and Nintendo DS.

The Windows Phone version was made available on the Windows Phone Store on October 15, 2010. A Nintendo 3DS version, released on March 27, 2011, was one of its launch titles.

It has also been released for mobile phone platforms, and a simpler version for mobiles with Java.The Sims 3 was a commercial success, selling 1.4 million copies in its first week. Critics issued mostly positive reviews. The Sims 3 gained an 86/100 score from aggregator Metacritic. The game has sold over ten million copies worldwide since its 2009 release, making it one of the best-selling PC games of all time.More Info Here.

MINIMUM:OS: Windows XP/Vista/7Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2000+Memory: 1 GbHard Drive: 7 Gb freeVideo Memory: 128 MbVideo Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5900 / ATI Radeon 9500Sound Card: DirectX CompatibleDirectX: 9.0cKeyboardMouseRECOMMENDED:OS: Windows XP/Vista/7Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.5 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+Memory: 2 GbHard Drive: 8 Gb freeVideo Memory: 896 MbVideo Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 4850Sound Card: DirectX CompatibleDirectX: 9.0cKeyboardMouse.

With the 2014 release of the new (and slightly controversial among fans) life-simulation PC game The Sims 4, its predecessor is now considered outdated by some. True, The Sims 3 will no longer have any new releases - not in the form of expansion packs, stuff packs, or even new Sims store content. But The Sims 3 ended with 11 expansions and 9 stuff packs total. Quite a massive game all together, I'd say!And just because The Sims 4 is offering a new and different way to play doesn't mean you should stop playing The Sims 3. There are fundamental differences in game play that make both The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 worthy of your attention at the same time, just as with The Sims 2 vs The Sims 3.Actually, many fans compare The Sims 4 to The Sims 2 in terms of likeness when it comes to playing style. The Sims 3 was a world of its own. Poor original The Sims, everyone seems to have forgotten you except to look back with nostalgia.If you're determined to consistently move onward in your Sims gaming without looking back, I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Best Sims 3 Expansions

For those of us who either choose not to (or cannot) play The Sims 4 or who want to keep both versions in our lives or those who simply wish to focus on The Sims 3 for the time being, which Sims 3 expansion packs should you look into purchasing (or keeping, if you're intending to downgrade your game to free up room on your PC for The Sims 4)?The following Sims expansions packs significantly alter The Sims 3 in multiple ways, so that playing is never quite the same after installation. Released: June 2010Summary: The second Sims 3 expansion, Ambitions, introduces new careers options to our Sims and the ability to assist them in their careers while they're actually working. Previous The Sims games left career work to home life. We could help Sims build skills and make friends, but while they went off to their jobs we had to sit and twiddle our thumbs. In the beginning of The Sims 3 we could at least select options such as 'Work Hard' or 'Business as Usual', giving us some input into how our Sims' work days went.

Newest sims 3 expansion pack

But now, with The Sims 3 Ambitions expansion, we can actively follow our Sims to work in certain career pathways and control how the day (or night) goes, witnessing everything the characters get up to.Additional Additions: Inventing, Detonation, Sculpting, Tattoos, the Eco-Friendly Trait, Meteor Death. Released: October 2010Summary: Late Night is the third Sims 3 expansion. A downtown/nightlife style of play is re-introduced to the world of The Sims. Clubs, group outings of up to eight Sims, vampires, and apartments are just some of the new pieces of play. The Celebrity system is also introduced, allowing Sims to rise in the social ranks amongst their peers. You can integrate clubs and apartments into any Sims world (aka neighborhood), but live in Bridgeport for the full experience of Sims late night life.Additional Additions: Bridgeport (a new town based on Los Angeles), the Shy and Star Quality Traits, Film Career, New Lifetime Rewards, Breast and Muscle Adjustment, Zodiac Signs.

Released: May 2011Summary: The fourth The Sims 3 expansion pack focuses on the various stages of life. If you're a family-focused Simmer then this is the EP for you. It combines elements from a large multitude of expansions seen in The Sims 2 and takes them one step further. Children develop imaginations, teens can rebel, adults ('young' and 'old') discover the desire for family and marriage if their traits are appropriate for this lifestyle, and elder Sims experience the 'Golden Years.'

And watch out for that midlife crisis!Additional Additions: Body Hair, Rebellious Trait, Nurturing Trait, Shower WooHoo, After-School Activities, Memories, Prom, Pranks, Boarding School. Released: September 2012Summary: As you might guess, The Sims 3 Supernatural expansion pack is designed to drastically alter the Sims world into one of full-on fantasy. If this doesn't appeal to you, DO NOT install this game! If you're all for vampires, zombies, witches, werewolves, and fairies then you'll love this Sims 3 expansion.

Boy do they take over the game though! Everywhere you go you'll see Sims with fairy wings, Sims who can't stay out in the sun too long, Sims who get a little hairy once a month.

You can, thankfully, select an option to stop certain supernatural creatures from creeping into your neighborhood though, as well as altering the moon stage settings. But if you don't, watch out for those zombies come the full moon.Additional Additions: Moonlight Falls (a new supernatural-themed town), Alchemy Skill, Traits: Supernatural Fan or Skeptic/Night Owl/Brooding/Gatherer/Proper, Broomstick Travel, Magical Items. Released: November 2012Summary: Weather! But the eighth Sims 3 EP is more than just snow and rain (and hail and fog and thunderstorms.). It creates whole 'seasons' for the Sims to participate in. Each season has its own festival (generic substitutes for commonly recognized holidays, such as Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine's Day) with appropriate activities.

Fall includes a haunted house, summer has water balloon fights, winter allows for ice skating, and spring features an egg hunt! You'll also be able to throw new types of parties to match, such as costume parties or feast parties.Additional Additions: Loves the Cold, Loves the Heat, Swimming in the Ocean, Colds, Tans, Lightning (as in, struck by), Shorter Winter Days and Longer Summer Days, Aliens, Holidays.

The Sims 3 expansions that didn't make it onto my top five are still absolutely worth having and playing! They are, in release order (minus the above five Sims 3 games):World Adventures: Send your Sims on vacations to Sim versions of France, Egypt, or China.Pets: Give your Sims a pet dog or cat or horse.

Other animals include snakes, lizards, and birds.Showtime: Live life as a star! Or at least let your Sim do so. Be a singer, a magician, or an acrobat.University Life: Send your Sims to college. Like in The Sims 2 University, the Sim sent away to school will exist in a world that is separated from the rest of your Sims.Island Paradise: Once again send your Sims on vacations, this time to have adventures at tropical resorts. With mermaids.Into the Future: This futuristic addition to The Sims 3 introduces proper science fiction in the form of time travel, robots, hoverboards, and more.PLUS the following 'Stuff' Packs: High-End Loft, Fast Lane, Outdoor Living, Town Life, Master Suite, Katy Perry's Sweet Treats, Diesel, 70's/80's/90's, and MovieWhich The Sims 3 expansion pack is your favorite? Which stuff pack do you feel adds the most to the world of The Sims 3?

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