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Ps2 State Of Emergency Download

Ps2 State Of Emergency Download Average ratng: 7,9/10 6373 reviews

Some hopeful fans consider it a potential Grand Theft Auto 3-killer. Rockstar claims that it 'reinvents the old-school street brawler genre.' EGM even deemed it 'most controversial game ever.' As the clouds of prerelease hype dissipate, what's left' behind is a funky, bloody cocktail of different genres that never quite comes together.As the first game to focus on riots, SoE recreates the frenzied, insane atmosphere of the real thing. Hundreds of crazed rioters run amok in the game's urban environments. Looters make a break for it with TVs, stereos and cash registers atop their heads.

Warring street gangs fight to the death. The sheer chaos occurring in these environments takes your breath away.On the gameplay front, it's truly a piecemeal product, snagging various aspects from other games. The underworld theme, excessive violence and mission structure is straight outta GTA3. Hand-to-hand combat lifted from antique beat-'em-ups like Final Fight and the fast-paced, arrow-guided urgency of Crazy Taxi. This blend of beatdowns and run-'n-gun tactics works well in the arcade-style Chaos mode, but the longer Revolution mode bogs down with slower, less exciting missions. Making it through this story mode requires extreme patience-you'll likely spend over 20 hours running around the game's four areas.Although SoE doesn't offer the captivating missions and freedom of GTA3, it sets the new watermark for gore. As you play, limbs fly, heads tumble to the ground, and crimson pools fill the gutters.

It's excessive, brutal and hilarious. Sure, the intended bad guys are 'Corporation Cyborg Enforcers,' but when the bullets start flying, innocent civilians tend to get in the way. Concerned parents should definitely heed the ESRB rating on the box, because this will undoubtedly be the hottest topic on the playground. Boot it up, jump into Chaos mode, and unleash your pent-up rage, but be forewarned: These first 30 minutes of playtime will probably be the most fun you have with SoE.

After the blood-soaked honeymoon is over, you'll see the game in the harsh morning light and wonder if it was really worth it. Revolution, the game's interminably long story mode, suffers from a dire fun shortage. Its four levels seem awfully small when you're forced to run 50 dull, repetitive missions in each one. After escorting 37 helpless gang members, delivering 28 documents and defending 31 storefronts, I began to seriously question my future as a freedom fighter. Riots shouldn't be boring, right?

Thankfully, the aforementioned Chaos mode offers more enjoyment. This gameplay method ditches the dopey quests in favor of pure, arcade action. It's quick, carnal and gratifying-in small doses. Both modes would benefit exponentially with the addition of multiplayer options. It's baffling why the developers didn't conceive of making at least one of the other 250 people on screen controllable.

Technically, I must commend VIS on stuffing the screen with hundreds of characters. It's a neat trick, but similar care should have gone into fixing the seam-filled, flickering floors and messy camera angles. But gamers seeking an ultra-violent stress reliever should still bloody their hands with Soe.

State Of Emergency Download For Pc

The first time you see this game's seething mass of humanity in motion, you will giggle, gather your buds around the tube to oggle the mayhem, then grab a rocket launcher and blast everything in sight. Hey, we don't blame you-chaos is fun. But State of Emergency's 'Whoa, lookit all the people!'

Gimmick wears a little thin about a halfway into the game's mission-based Revolution mode. That's when you notice the rough edges: maddening escort missions, tricky aiming controls, and beat-'em-up gameplay that gets repetitive. Still, the cathartic play modes make this a handy game to have around after rough weekdays in the real world.

Society blows, especially for the residents of State of Emergency's Capitol City, so you feel pretty good playing the instrument of its very collapse. And VIS' technical achievement in re-creating a riot scene is second to none, delivering simple, fast arcadey fun that's a great way to mindlessly let off some steam. But people expecting more than shades of GTA3 will be sorely let down, basically because your relationship with every part of the SOE world is relegated to destroying it.

Sadly, no real exploration, strategy or character interaction exists. Even if you haven't tried Rockstar's other controversy magnet, you're bound to find SOE pretty shallow. Reworked and redone for Xbox, this third-person anarchy simulation shakes the very firmament of modern thought: Put simply, State of Emergency disproves the scientific theorem that it's impossible to polish a turd. The ultraviolent premise of its PlayStation 2 forebearer lives on-you'll find explosions, fire, gunfights, beatings, and carnage aplenty. It makes the Roman Circus seem like a Family Circus cartoon.


As a freedom fighter, players wreck stuff, kill people, and try to avoid authority's skull-crushing truncheon. Gameplay- whether open-ended or mission based-generally tips the scale at frenetic, with hundreds of cops, looters, citizens, gang members, and rebels choking the screen. Developer Vis screwed the pooch by making the PS2 version single-player only, which proceeded to sink thanks to poor A.I., a dearth of mission types, and unbalanced challenges. The Xbox version has had its single-player action tweaked to little effect; characters in need of protection still charge foolishly into gunfire, and the improvements to the game's balancing may have been done by chimpanzees. Luckily, a new multiplayer mode offers salvation. Here, players need not worry about repetitive missions, impossible tasks, or computer-controlled dolts who don't understand this simple equation: bullets + flesh = bad.

With four players, the carnage quadruples and the state of euphoria increases exponentially. Anyone who nuked a few food courts in the PS2 version of State of Emergency knows this game plays dirty, with its cartoony ultraviolence and gimmicky mass of humanity that's fun to watch for a few hours but soon loses its novelty. That's when you sober up to the game's shortcomings-mainly, there's not much of an actual game here. Escort missions in the story-based Revolution mode become maddening (prepare for endless do-overs), and singling out targets in a crowd is no laugh riot. The developer did add tweaks that make the game suck less, but the real lure here is the multiplayer. Get four pals to split the $20 price, and this game's a steal! Man, I never thought I'd be playing this again.


Last year's disappointing PS2 version was a total bore, so Rockstar's fighting a perilous battle trying to make Xbox owners give a damn now. I'll give them some credit, though-the improvements here (moderately fun multiplayer modes, a rebalanced single-player game, and custom soundtrack support) definitely sweeten the deal, and shipping this thing at $20 is a wise choice. Problem is, the underlying experience is still riddled with subpar visuals, frustrating aiming, dippy A.I., and lots of tiresome missions. Pick it up if you're desperate for some brain-optional four-player mayhem, but don't bother playing it solo.

Ifyou didn't like the original, State of Emergency,you're going to absolutely hate State of Emergency2. In fact, if you liked the original, State of Emergency,you're probably going to hate State of Emergency 2anyway. By Cole SmithMarch7, 2006 - SOE2 is a letdown, plain and simple. While it's arguablya bad move for a sequel to stay close to its originalformula it can also be a very bad idea to stray toofar from the original gameplay which is what definedthe game and cultivated an audience in the first place.The original SOE was thought of as a second-rate GTA.It featured gangs, riots, and lots of melee combatin a mission-style formula. It was silly and outrageousbut it was fun in some respects.

The insane numberof people onscreen was one of its main gimmicks. Ithad an arcade style that was easy to pick-up-and-playand there wasn't an involved storyline.

SOE 2 hasall but dropped the melee combat in favor of shooting.There is also a convoluted storyline that really doesn'treally do anything. Not to mention the embarrassingvoiceacting - but you know I will.It'sstill the Freedom against the oppressive governmentknown as the Corporation. Events take place a numberof years later than the last game.

MacNeil has beensentenced to execution but the gang has been ableto free him from certain death. With renewed forces,new weapons and vehicles the war between the two factionscontinues, but it's not business as usual as the gameplayhas been transformed into a third-person shooter.Theweapons range from pistols to rockets with auto andsemi-automatic rifles in between as well as clubs,bats and knives. The shooting can be too forgivingin some instances. The auto-aim is really difficultwhen you're running and gunning so you have to dosome careful aiming with some of the guns such asthe sniper rifle.

But for the most part, the shootingis arcade-like which seriously reduces the challengein the game. When faced with a crowd just point andclick. Things will pretty much take care of themselves.Withlots of enemies onscreen the greatest challenge isdealing with these large numbers more than anythingelse.

Enemies will come out from all nooks and cranniesbut they don't display much in the way of intelligence.They don't try to flank you nor do they take coverif they aren't already behind something. They continueto move toward you making it easier for you to hitthem with each step. Some of them will even fire inthe wrong direction.

Maybe they're firing at yourguys which can be just as stupid but they are incapableof taking on permanent damage.Fora taste of real-time strategy, Spanky, the overweightLatino, can issue orders to his gang. These ordersare obeyed but they don't stop your mates from standingout in the open and getting hit. There is also a littlebit of stealth in the gameplay but it's very shallow.It involves sneaking up on enemies but instead ofa stealth kill, all you can do is shoot them withthe silencer. There are times when you'll have topeer around a corner to see where the enemy is. Youcan lean out and shoot but sometimes the mechanicsmake you lean too far and you'll get hit with a hailof bullets.Thereare four characters that you can play as with differentabilities. Libra is the young thug chick that canleap great distances and climb buildings. Bull islike the black version of The Thing.

He can smashdoors open with his bare fists. The other two playablecharacters are MacNeil and Spanky. While they allhave different abilities the game doesn't requirethat you change them as often as in some games. Mostoften you'll change them just because one of themis losing his or her health. The environmental puzzlesare few and far between.

Events are scripted and thatresults in a lot of trial and error. There is a lotof guesswork involved in some missions where no particularcharacter would have any advantage. In some areasyou will have to choose from a series of closed doors,with deadly guards behind all but a few of them.

Youcan't pick up any extra health and the only way youcan get past these doors is to pick the right oneswhich means having to replay such segments over andover again while trying to remember which doors weresafe. Get past one section and you'll find a seriesof more doors.

This is like a stupid mini-game thatshould be featured in some Disney title.Inaddition to shooting there are some vehicles to drivethat include a chopper, speedboat and a tank. It'snice to have the variety but these vehicles controlabout as badly as the vehicles in GTA. They just don'thave the right feel.Anarcade mode gets the story out of the way but doesn'tdo anything different with the gameplay.

Multi-playermodes include Deathmatch and King of the Hill in splitscreen fashion. This is the best part of the gamebut in comparison there are so many games that dothe Deathmatch thing so much better. Still, it's anadded bonus if you happen to receive this game asa gift and don't bother to return it.Moreof the action takes place at night and that's whythe game appears so much darker.

It is a little hardto see things in the distance. Graphically the gamelooks as though it wants to distance itself from theoriginal cartoon style of the original but it stilllooks like a GTA rip-off. Keep in mind this game wasnot developed by Rockstar, nor was the original. Theyjust published it. I guess they didn't want to beassociated with this one.Riotsdo occur in SOE 2, but they appear to attract lesspeople than the original and the ones that do showup are more confused than ever. The riots are mess.Nobody seems to know what to do and where to go. Thereis no organization, even among the inmates that coulduse the ensuing chaos to make an escape.

It makesyou wonder why they even bothered to include them.Thecharacter models may look as brutal as they did inthe original but that was just to keep the frameratesteady. You would think that after three years theymight be able to get a little more detail into thecrowd, but such is not the case.

The animation isjerky and robotic. The dialog is juvenile but thevoiceacting is some of the worst I've heard.